Estaba sentado tranquilamente, mecido por el dulce ritmo de las noticias del Telediario: Pujol demanda al banco andorrano por violación del secreto profesional al filtrar que tenía una fortuna depositada en él cuya procedencia resultó difícil de explicar: que si fue una herencia, pero su hermana no sabe nada, es que es adoptada, bueno, vale, me lo dejó Papá Noel en mi calcetín; Artur Menos insiste en realizar el referéndum sobre la independencia de Cataluña: o me dejan hacer la consulta o me llevo mi Scattergories estaba diciendo; Marianico Chips-Rajoy informa a la nación que la crisis ya ha pasado, que no se preocupen los que están en paro, y que salgan a la calle a consumir;...y sin motivo aparente alguno me desperté sobresaltado con la imagen de un calabacín fija en mi mente.
I was sat peacefully, rocked by the sweet rithm of the sound of the news from the televisión news bulletin: Pujol sues a Andorran Bank for breaching of professional secret when it was leaked that he has a fortune on deposit in its outbuildings whose origin was hard to explain: that if it was an inheritance, but his sister doesn't know anythig about it, ¡Oh! she was adopted, well, thas's right, It was Father Christmas who put it in my sock; Artur Less is adamant in carry out the referendum about de Independence of Cataluña from Spain: or they let me realize the poll or I´m taking my Scattergories, he was saying; Marianico Chips-Rajoy reports the Nation that the economic crisis has finished, unemployment people don't have to worry about anything, and they must go out and spend their money;... and without any reason I woke up suddenly with the image of a courgette fixed in my mind.
I was sat peacefully, rocked by the sweet rithm of the sound of the news from the televisión news bulletin: Pujol sues a Andorran Bank for breaching of professional secret when it was leaked that he has a fortune on deposit in its outbuildings whose origin was hard to explain: that if it was an inheritance, but his sister doesn't know anythig about it, ¡Oh! she was adopted, well, thas's right, It was Father Christmas who put it in my sock; Artur Less is adamant in carry out the referendum about de Independence of Cataluña from Spain: or they let me realize the poll or I´m taking my Scattergories, he was saying; Marianico Chips-Rajoy reports the Nation that the economic crisis has finished, unemployment people don't have to worry about anything, and they must go out and spend their money;... and without any reason I woke up suddenly with the image of a courgette fixed in my mind.
Comenté este episodio con mi psiquiatra de cabecera, todos los españoles deberíamos tener uno, y me dijo que era normal. Yo le dije que no me parecía muy normal, y él me explicó que en Islandia sería un caso raro, pero que en España estos episodios son habituales. Aunque, con lo que se ha exportado el modelo político, se están extendiendo estos casos desde Europa hacia oriente y occidente. Me contó que se han dado casos de hormigueros donde cada cuatro o cinco años convocan elecciones a zánganos, un puesto muy cotizado: comer y yacer con la reina mientras otros se esloman recolectando comida, cuidando las crías, excavando galerías,... Volvió a aparecer en mi cabeza la imagen de los políticos, y ahora el calabacín estaba acompañado por un par de huevos. ¡Calabacines huevones! No, no creo que fuera ese el significado. Mi psiquiatra tampoco le encontró explicación. Hace tiempo que me dio por perdido, pero le caigo bien.
I told this incident to my family psychiatrist, I think every spanish people must have one, and he said me that it was normal. I said him it seemed me so normal, and he explained to me that in Islandia it would be a strange case, but in Spain these incidents are usual. Although, with the massive exportation of our political style, these cases are extended from Europe to the East and to the West. He told me that there have been cases of anthills where each four or five years they call elections for drone, a very demanded job: You only have to eat and lie with the queen while another ants broke their back of collecting food, taking care of their babies, digging galeries,... Politician image came back to my mind, and now the courgette was accompanied by a pair of eggs. ¡Twit and lazy men! No, I don't thik that was the meaning. My psychiatrist also didn't find a meaning. He gave me up for mad long time ago, but he likes me.
I told this incident to my family psychiatrist, I think every spanish people must have one, and he said me that it was normal. I said him it seemed me so normal, and he explained to me that in Islandia it would be a strange case, but in Spain these incidents are usual. Although, with the massive exportation of our political style, these cases are extended from Europe to the East and to the West. He told me that there have been cases of anthills where each four or five years they call elections for drone, a very demanded job: You only have to eat and lie with the queen while another ants broke their back of collecting food, taking care of their babies, digging galeries,... Politician image came back to my mind, and now the courgette was accompanied by a pair of eggs. ¡Twit and lazy men! No, I don't thik that was the meaning. My psychiatrist also didn't find a meaning. He gave me up for mad long time ago, but he likes me.
Al volver a casa escuché que Pedro Sánchez iba a salir en Sálvame Deluxe, y que Pablo Iglesias de Podremos iba a repartir billetes de cincuenta euros a diario a todos los españoles. Se añadió al grupo de imágenes una butifarra. ¡Calabacines huevones haciendo una butifarra, que es un corte de manga en Cataluña! Seguía sin encontrar el posible significado, así que decidí irme a casa a tomarme la medicación.
When I returned home I listen that Pedro Sánchez will appeared in the TV program Sálvame Deluxe, and that Pablo Iglesias, from the political party Podremos (WE WILL BE ABLE), will give out fifty euro bills everyday to every Spanish people. A Catalan sausage added to the images group. ¡Twit and lazy men giving us the two-fingers sign! I couldn't find a meaning yet, so I decided to go home and take my medication.
Una vez allí lo entendí todo, se me estaba ocurriendo una receta. España iba bien. Solo se trataba de una receta: calabacines, huevos, butifarra, tomate,... No era que mi subsconsciente quisiera hacerles una butifarra a los huevones de los políticos por usar esos calabacines que tienen por cabeza para liar este tomate, era que se estaba fraguando una pizza en mi trastornada cabeza.
Once I arrived home I understood everything, a recipe was growing in my mind. Spain was in the right way. It was only a recipe: courgettes, eggs, Catalan sausage, tomato,... There wasn´t that my subconscious wanted to give the two-fingers sign to the lazy politician for using those courgettes that they have instead of head to make this mess, it was only that it was hatching a pizza recipe in my disturbed mind.
You'll need:
2 huevos
Masa de pizza (A mí me gusta la de Buittoni Extrafina)
1 Calabacín
1 Berenjena
2 Paquetes de mozzarella rallada
1 Cebolla
Tomate frito
Papel para el horno
Catalan sausage
2 Eggs
Majorcan sausage
Pizza dough (I like the Brand Buittoni Superfine)
1 Courgette
1 Eggplant
2 Package of grated mozzarella
1 Onion
1 Can of tomato sauce
Olive oil
2 Pieces of buttered paper
Once I arrived home I understood everything, a recipe was growing in my mind. Spain was in the right way. It was only a recipe: courgettes, eggs, Catalan sausage, tomato,... There wasn´t that my subconscious wanted to give the two-fingers sign to the lazy politician for using those courgettes that they have instead of head to make this mess, it was only that it was hatching a pizza recipe in my disturbed mind.
You'll need:
2 huevos
Masa de pizza (A mí me gusta la de Buittoni Extrafina)
1 Calabacín
1 Berenjena
2 Paquetes de mozzarella rallada
1 Cebolla
Tomate frito
Papel para el horno
Catalan sausage
2 Eggs
Majorcan sausage
Pizza dough (I like the Brand Buittoni Superfine)
1 Courgette
1 Eggplant
2 Package of grated mozzarella
1 Onion
1 Can of tomato sauce
Olive oil
2 Pieces of buttered paper
Abrimos, el paquete de la masa, y la extendemos con el rodillo. Así quedará más fina y crujiente.
We open the package of pizza dough, and extend it with the rolling pin. So it'll be thiner and more crunchy.
We open the package of pizza dough, and extend it with the rolling pin. So it'll be thiner and more crunchy.
Untamos la masa con tomate frito.
We spread the dough with tomato sauce.
Colocamos un poco de mozzarella sobre la masa. Esta operación la realizamos con las dos pizzas.
We put some grated mozzarella in the dough. We'll do this with both pizzas.
We put some grated mozzarella in the dough. We'll do this with both pizzas.
Cortamos la butifarra en rodajas.
We slice Catalan sausage.
We slice Catalan sausage.
Hacemos lo mismo con la berenjena, salamos las rodajas y las dejamos reposar una media hora. Luego las secamos con un paño.
We do the same with eggplants, add salt to the slices and let them stand half an hour. After this we dry them with a dishcloth.
We do the same with eggplants, add salt to the slices and let them stand half an hour. After this we dry them with a dishcloth.
Cortamos el calabacín en laminas con una mandolina, y con mucho cuidado con los dedos.
We slice the courgette with a mandolin. You must take care with your fingers.
We slice the courgette with a mandolin. You must take care with your fingers.
Colocamos agua a hervir, y cuando lo haga sumergimos las lonchas de calabacín medio minuto.
We bring water to the boil, and then we cooked the courgette slices for half a minute.
We bring water to the boil, and then we cooked the courgette slices for half a minute.
Pasamos las berenjenas por harina y las freímos, aunque solo un minuto por cada cara como máximo.
Colocamos las lonchas de calabacín en el centro de la pizza, y las rodajas de berenjena a su alrededor.
We put the courgette slices in the middle of the pizza , and the eggplant slices around them.
Añadimos un poco de cebolla cortada en juliana.
We add a little bit of onion cut into thin shreds.
Agregamos un poco de mozzarella, y la tenemos lista para el horno.
We add some grated mozzarella over all, and it'll be ready to bake.
We add some grated mozzarella over all, and it'll be ready to bake.
En la de la granja colocamos la butifarra en rodajas, añadimos cuatro rodajas de sobrasada, y un poco de cebolla en juliana. Finalmente le agregamos un poco de mozzarella.
In the one we have called Farm Pizza, we put the Catalan sausage slices, add four slices of Majorcan sausage, and a bit of onion cut into thin shreds. Finally we add some grated mozzarella over all.
In the one we have called Farm Pizza, we put the Catalan sausage slices, add four slices of Majorcan sausage, and a bit of onion cut into thin shreds. Finally we add some grated mozzarella over all.
Cascamos los huevos y los reservamos en un plato.
We break the eggs and keep them on a dish.
Colocamos las pizzas en el horno, previamente precalentado 10 minutos a 180 grados, siguiendo los tiempos indicados por el fabricante de la masa, unos quince minutos. Aunque conviene controlar la cocción.
We put the pizzas in the oven, that previously we have preheated for ten minutes at 180 degrees, and follow the baking time indicates by the dough manufacturer, about fifteen minutes. Though it's advisable to have a look at it.
Cuando queden cinco minutos para terminar abriremos el horno, colocaremos el huevo en el centro de la pizza, y dejaremos que continúe cocinándose.
When it has five minutes left to finish the baking time we'll open the oven, put the egg in the middle of the pizza, and let it continue baking.
When it has five minutes left to finish the baking time we'll open the oven, put the egg in the middle of the pizza, and let it continue baking.
Finalmente obtendremos estas deliciosas pizzas de la huerta y de la granja.
Finally we'll get these delicious kitchen garden and farm pizzas.
Os estaréis preguntando que qué me pasa, que si me ha poseído el Diablo, quizás la influencia de JuanRa ha conseguido llevarlo al camino de la perdición y habla idiomas desconocidos. ¡No os preocupéis!, JuanRa no me ha llevado al mal camino, a ese ya voy yo solito. Se trata de que mi profesor de inglés, al enterarse de que tenía un blog, me dijo en broma que le preparase un post en inglés, y como me gustan las bromas pues se lo he hecho.
All of you will be answering yourselves what's the matter with me, if I'm possessed by the Devil, or perhaps JuanRa's influence has led him astray and he speaks unknown languages. Don't worry!, JuanRa hasn't led me astray, I found this way with any help. It's about my English teacher, when he found out that I had a blog he said me joking that I had to prepare a post in English, and as I like jokes so I have done it.
All of you will be answering yourselves what's the matter with me, if I'm possessed by the Devil, or perhaps JuanRa's influence has led him astray and he speaks unknown languages. Don't worry!, JuanRa hasn't led me astray, I found this way with any help. It's about my English teacher, when he found out that I had a blog he said me joking that I had to prepare a post in English, and as I like jokes so I have done it.
Aquí lo tienes Justin. Si algo te suena a etrusco no te preocupes, es que mi inglés no es muy bueno. Tú ya lo sabes.
Here you have it Justin. And if there is something that looks like Etruscan to you, don't worry about, it only means that my English isn't very good. As you already knows.
Here you have it Justin. And if there is something that looks like Etruscan to you, don't worry about, it only means that my English isn't very good. As you already knows.
4 comentarios:
Bárbaras estas dos versiones de pizza, ya sea huerto o granja, es del campo y están "pa chuparse los dedos"
En un principio he pensado que andabas en una diablura, menos mal que lo has aclarado y todo se debe a tu profe de inglés ¡qué majo! ¡cómo te hace practicar! aunque creo que va a hacerse un buen lío entre el heredero, el menos y el Marianico :)
Un abrazo.
Tienes razón. No sé si Justin entenderá el guirigai que tenemos montado aquí. Marianico, el Hereu,...
Yo ya estaba pensando "¡¡Qué fuerte, empieza a abrir sus recetas al mercado internacional!!
Veo que lo tuyo ultimamente es darte buenas palizas: subir el Xaxán primero y marcarte un post bilingüe después. Te aseguro que si yo fuera tu profe negociaría el aprobado: tu traete la pizza esa y hablamos (Bring the pizza and let's talk) xDD
La verdad es que mi profesor se ha portado muy bien. Me ha corregido las faltas del post. Yo las corregiré en cuanto pueda.
La verdad es que la paliza de traducir el post fue grande, pero como en las escapadas por los bosques, una vez llegas a la cima te sientes bien.
Por cierto mi profesor corrigió el post pero me dijo que se quedó con una copia en papel intacta para él. Supongo que las pizzas le gustaron y a lo mejor se atreve a hacerlas.
Quizás yo también consiga acólitos.
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